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Latin America Discovery & Opportunity Session

In March of 2022, the Savory Global Network team traveled to Costa Rica to facilitate a Discovery and Opportunity (DO) Session. With Savory Hubs and Accredited Professionals from across Latin America in attendance, they shared updates on current efforts and focused in on opportunities for collaboration, ensuring that all the various players within a region have not just visibility but a collective shared responsibility to build capacity for land regeneration. In addition to the DO Session, EOV monitoring and Holistic Management training was conducted for the upcoming Costa Rica Savory Hub and two key partners working in conservation, small-holder farmer livelihoods, and climate change.

A large country-wide effort is being designed to bring policy, education, and landscape level management to protect and regenerate key watersheds of the country.

Picture of Bobby Gill

Bobby Gill

Bobby leads development and communications for the Savory Institute. A Biological Resources Engineer by training, Bobby was a lead scientific reviewer at the FDA before making the leap into the regenerative space where he now explores the intersectionality of personal and planetary health, and how to distill the complexity of these issues to new audiences. Watch Bobby’s TEDx talk: “It’s Not the Cow, It’s the How”
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Renewed synergy and community in Latin America
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