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Holistic Planned Grazing & EOV in Mongolia: PLUS Project 2022 Recap

There’s far more to our work at the Savory Institute than what most see. As a small team with incredibly large goals, we don’t always have the time to pause and tell the stories of the impact we’re creating.

Thankfully, sometimes our partners do it for us!

We’re proud to share this 2022 project recap video of an ongoing project we’ve been working on in Mongolia, created by our partner ADRA:

About the Project

The “Pasture Land — Use it Sustainably” (PLUS) project is a partnership between ADRA and the Savory Institute that seeks to introduce and consolidate the use and understanding of Holistic Planned Grazing among the herders and communities of the Ider Soum in the Zavkhan Province of Mongolia.

The project kicked off in 2021 with Savory’s team working directly with herder families to restore degraded grasslands using Holistic Management, a human and nature-centered design and decision-making framework that results in socially sound, financially viable, and ecologically regenerative activities.

Through both virtual and in-person sessions, the Savory team has helped participants create Holistic Grazing Plans in addition to setting up land monitoring transects using Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV), an ecological monitoring protocol that tracks land health trends and informs ecologically-sound management decisions.

The majority of trainees and project participants are women herders, who are seen by community representatives as those leading the process to restore their grasslands and improve the management of their family herds. Through this project and others in development, Savory is aiming to regenerate 1 million hectares of Mongolia’s grasslands.

Picture of Bobby Gill

Bobby Gill

Bobby leads development and communications for the Savory Institute. A Biological Resources Engineer by training, Bobby was a lead scientific reviewer at the FDA before making the leap into the regenerative space where he now explores the intersectionality of personal and planetary health, and how to distill the complexity of these issues to new audiences. Watch Bobby’s TEDx talk: “It’s Not the Cow, It’s the How”
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