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Poised to Leap: 2020 Annual Report

This report dives into the grassroots impact our Savory Global Network and Land to Market programs have been creating over the past year.

With over 12,000 people trained, 32 million acres influenced (as of earlier this year), and so much more in between, we couldn’t be more proud of the efforts shown by our dedicated boots-on-the-ground.

Dive in and see for yourself. And if you’re feeling generous, our “Building Resilience” Fundraising Campaign is still ongoing, now through the end of the year.

A Letter from Our CEO

It is easy to forget the details, microinvestments of energy, funds, work, and love that took place in thousands of locations around the globe over the course of the past year and engendered the impact, inspired the stories, and shaped the data this report is designed to convey.

Here is my view of impact. It is partially data, but not only that. It is partially storytelling, but not only that. It is partially governance, ecology, community, but not any one of these things only. Impact is not a lever you can pull, it is a flywheel that spins. Impact is an emergent property of a living system. It begins with an idea that is sourced, brought to life, and passed through millions of hands, minds, and hearts, nurturing the land and communities, activating businesses, inviting investment, inspiring the next ideas and courageous initiatives.

To “land” impact requires grassroots engagement, commitment, authenticity, communion, intimacy, resourcefulness, skillfulness, and it requires scale. Large scale change starts with a single individual, and when we weave together our collective fabric of multifaceted talents and visions, the impact is ever-greater.

Scale is the intelligent aggregation of millions of grassroots manifestations of impact. It requires access to a networked global community, facilitation across multiple stakeholders, rigorous data management, and established transparency tools for the marketplace. Fortunately, we at Savory Global have spent more than a decade building such a resilient and beautiful system, a system that, when managed holistically, spins like a flywheel of positive change. More is required from us all in these crucial times.

Dear friends and partners, we have landed impact together across thousands of hectares and communities around the world, learning, giving, trusting… igniting and nurturing unchartered paths, collaborations, and innovations. So we continue to do our work providing resources, connections, and support to enable each individual and community to land impact wherever they live, so they can do their part in imagining and shaping a more beautiful world.

With Love,

Daniela Ibarra-Howell

Growing the Network

Boots on the ground, implementation partners, flywheels of impact, influencers, solutionaries…Savory Hubs are unique manifestations of their visions and their models for impact in their regions. We work together to heal the Earth, to bring back life to landscapes, opportunities to communities, and value to citizens.

Our extensive training in Savory Holistic Management and EOV, immersion in Savory Holistic Business Design Lab and Activation Pathway, and engagement in Land to Market makes accredited Hubs uniquely equipped and positioned to serve their regions.

A global cadre of over 130 accredited professionals work with Hubs who are training and supporting farmers, ranchers, and pastoralists to regenerate the land and measuring outcomes. This community of change-makers around the world affects positive, lasting change globally through their collective action.

Thank You.

Our deepest gratitude to our hundreds of donors and partners in arms, whose support, confidence, and trust in our work makes it all the more meaningful. We could not do our work without you. Your gift brings life and health back to landscapes and communities. We anticipate their renewed abundance will bring joy and hope back to you, as it does to all of us at the Savory Institute. 

And remember, when you support our mission to bring this gift of regeneration and hope to the world, 100% of your donation goes to mission-related expenses.

Picture of Savory Institute

Savory Institute

The Savory Institute is on a mission to regenerate the grasslands of the world and the livelihoods of their inhabitants, through Holistic Management. Since 2009, Savory Institute has been leading the regenerative agriculture movement by equipping farmers, ranchers, and pastoralist communities to regenerate land within culturally-relevant and ecologically-appropriate contexts.
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