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Savory Featured at American Grassfed Association Conference

Savory Featured at American Grassfed Association Conference

Savory Institute (SI) was fortunate to be asked to participate in this year’s American Grassfed Association’s (AGA) Annual Conference June 7-8, 2015 in Denver, CO. AGA wanted their conference attendees to have an opportunity to learn more of what Holistic Management is and entails. SI wanted to meet and network with AGA members and producers. SI was moved by the interest in Holistic Management from the conference participants.

Byron Shelton, Senior Program Director for Savory Institute, was able to share a one-hour in depth presentation on Holistic Management. This presentation included discussing the foundations of Holistic Management including three key environmental insights that guide improving land productivity. He explained why and how farms, ranches, and the families and employees involved have to be managed as wholes not parts and how decisions need to and can be simultaneously economically, environmentally, and socially sound. The key concepts of the Holistic Management Planning Procedures (Holistic Financial Planning, Holistic Land (infrastructure) Planning, Holistic Planned Grazing, and Ecological Monitoring) were shared.

Sarah Gleason, Director of Marketing for Savory Institute, gave an overview of the Savory Network of Hubs (regional, entrepreneurial training centers) and Accredited Professionals who offer training in Holistic Management.

A two-hour field walk led by Byron introduced the concepts of reading ecosystem processes and discussing the use of technology, fire, rest, grazing, animal impact, and living organisms on the land with their probable results depending on the land’s degree of brittleness. Measuring standing forage was also practiced. Dan Nosal of the NRCS shared information on ecological range sites, stocking rates, and grazing.

Each organization sharing knowledge they have to help others is important. However, the interest, trust, and willingness for organizations to connect and work together for the betterment of each organization and their members can be of greater benefit. This was the feeling of many of the participants.

SI looks forward to its continued relationship with AGA and others as we all move forward collaborating and partnering in the business of improving land and water resources, food production, agricultural businesses, and the quality of life for all of us who depend upon these resources.

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Savory Institute

The Savory Institute is on a mission to regenerate the grasslands of the world and the livelihoods of their inhabitants, through Holistic Management. Since 2009, Savory Institute has been leading the regenerative agriculture movement by equipping farmers, ranchers, and pastoralist communities to regenerate land within culturally-relevant and ecologically-appropriate contexts.
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