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Iberian Peninsula

Hub del Norte

Year Accredited
Meghan Sapp & Caroline Odoz
Holistic Management (HM) & EOV training, HM advisory & technical support, EOV monitoring, corporate ESG programs
Region Covered
Northern Iberian Peninsula & the Pyrenees


Full of rich cultures, languages and changing landscapes, the Northern Iberian peninsula and the Pyrenees range from non-brittle coastal regions in the north to high, dry mountains in the east to brittle-leaning hilly areas in between, from centuries-old vineyards and traditional livestock areas to drier arable lands. This region has traditionally been continental but is becoming ever more Mediterranean, drier and more brittle, and Hub del Norte is serving land managers to help manage this transition holistically.

Through Holistic Management training, advisory and ecological monitoring, we help producers and technical advisors to better understand ecosystem function and learn to work with those processes rather than against them. Together we will help to reduce production costs and increase economic and environmental resiliency, creating farm businesses that will attract young people back to the farms and rural communities.



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