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To Which We Belong (2021)

To Which We Belong’ is a documentary that highlights farmers and ranchers leaving behind conventional practices that are no longer profitable or sustainable. These unsung heroes are improving the health of our soil and sea to save their livelihoods — and our planet.

Kiss the Ground (2020)

In conjunction with the book of the same name, Kiss the Ground is an accesible call-to-action for those looking to align their values with their purchasing behavior. Featuring Allan Savory and other pioneers, the film takes a deep dive into the world of regenerative agriculture from the perspective of the everyday consumer.

The Effect of Holistic Planned Grazing on African Rangelands: A Case Study from Zimbabwe

South Africa’s Agricultural Research Council completed this study over a 6-year period comparing the Africa Centre for Holistic Management’s land at Dimbangombe under Holistic Planned Grazing (HGP), to nearby communal areas where HPG was not practiced. The researchers concluded that HPG yields positive long-term effects on ecosystem services (soils and vegetation) and points to the HPG approach enhancing the sustainability of livestock and wildlife in this environment.

Effects of holistic grazing management on milk production, weight gain, and visitation to grazing areas by livestock and wildlife in Laikipia County, Kenya

This paper studied the effects of holistic planned grazing on milk production, weight gain, and visitation to grazing areas by livestock and wildlife in Laikipia County, Kenya. Results found that, with significantly higher numbers of grazing animals, the number of wildlife more than doubled, average milk yields increased, and animal weight gain nearly doubled compared to traditional grazing areas.

Running Out of Time

This in-depth documentary explores Allan Savory’s life and how he has used Holistic Management to completely transform the land at Dimbangombe in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.

Livestock Rejuvenates Ecosystem

Elias Ncube, an accredited Holistic Management educator at the Africa Centre for Holistic Management (ACHM) in Zimbabwe, offers his perspective on how Holistic Planned Grazing is helping local smallholder farmers.

Africa Centre for Holistic Management Zimbabwean Savanna Case Study

This 2012 case study follows the Africa Centre for Holistic Management in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Between 2001 and 2009, ecologoical monitoring demonstrated a 31% decrease in bare ground, 56% increase in litter cover, 12% increase in perennial grass plants, 21% decrease in less desirable annual grasses, and 17% decrease in soil movement.

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