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Suelos Vivos

Year Accredited
Fernanda Pia
Meat / Dairy
Region Covered
Central America


Suelos Vivos is the Costa Rica Savory Hub. We are the first in the Central American region and are excited to share Holistic Management with the region.

Suelos Vivos is a project of the University for International Cooperation and its initiative Costa Rica Regenerativa. The university was founded in 1984 by Eduard Muller, a visionary and dreamer who has been promoting sustainability and regenerative development all his life.

Costa Rica Regenerativa works on a variety of projects in regenerative development, and establishing Suelos Vivos as the Savory Hub is a much-celebrated milestone.

We know there is an urgency, we know there is a different way to do things, and we know the critical role livestock management plays in Costa Rica and the world. Knowing that we are doing the right thing and doing what we can is what makes us get out of bed every day and do it happily.

Livestock farming has a great history in Costa Rica; it impacts the lives of many people, it has created a way of living and culture, and we want to support its continuation for many generations to come.

Furthermore, livestock farming impacts many hectares and supports lots of the forest covers of the country, being a key player in the biological connectivity of protected areas in Costa Rica.

We offer training in Holistic Management, and we support the implementation of Holistic Management by working together with the farmers to facilitate the different procedures of Holistic Management.

We do the Ecological Outcome Verification, the monitoring of land processes that allows us to demonstrate that the management practice is, in fact, regenerating the landscape.



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