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Holistic Management Sverige

Year Accredited
Jörgen Andersson
Folkbildning / Beef / Lamb / Dairy / Wool / Skin
Region Covered


Supporting a Nordic Network for regenerative agriculture is defined as: “Facilitating the highest imaginable vitality of ecosystems by satisfying human needs.”


To make things Laghum is to address the distance between people and the land.


Laghum is an ancient Swedish word meaning “what works for everybody,” we are using it to express the interdependence between the land, the managers of the ground, and the people kept alive by land being adequately managed.


Self-reliant groups of people sharing responsibility for access and management of land, using the language of Holistic Management and appropriate legal agreements to get along with each other and nature.


Providing service to Laghum is the purpose of our hub, enabling these intentional communities to emerge, thrive, and beat the competition from the prevailing and degenerative food system.



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