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Fundamentals Of Holistic Management
July 19, 2024


Jul 19, 2024 
 - Jul 19, 2024
 - 16:30






3 Springs Land & Livestock
580 W Weber Canyon Rd Oakley, UT 84055
United States


Event Type

Foundations of HM


Buy 1 Ticket, get $185 off if you bring a family member or coworker! Coupon will be sent to your email after you sign up,

Rancher, producer, land owner, environmentalist or just a curious cat, this day is where new learning and reaffirming happens! 

Instill the 4 key insights of Holistic Management with an experienced Savory Institute Accredited Professional that are key to understanding how to regenerate the land in a sustainable way financially, socially and ecologically.  

Learn to read the land and 4 ecological cycles that impact the way land captures water, cycles nutrients, why biodiversity matters, and how the land captures energy. Also, take a deep dive into the soil food web and the biology of the soil interacts with us and our management.  

Understanding and discover tools to add to your toolbelt to better manage the land to make it more resilient. Especially learning how to utilize living organisms to do the lion share of the work for you.  

Defining the Whole under managent. Defining the whole in your context will determine how regenerative agriculture fits into your life in sustainable way. Often certain practices will not match to your desired quality of life and what your operations goals and what you want your future resource base to look like. Defining these things clearly and setting up a feedback loop will keep you on the right track.  

Context checks. This is the decision making framework process to check to see if your decisions on the land will benefit you and the land based on your context. This is the key holistic decision making. There is seven step decision making process that helps you stay in line with your economic, social, and ecological goals.  

In detail outline the Land Management guidelines of Time vs. Numbers, Stock Density/Herd Effect, Cropping, Burning, and Population Management.  

Briefly outline the Procedures and Process of Holistic Management: Holistic Planned Grazing, Ecological Monitoring, Holistic Land Planning, Holistic Financial Planning.

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