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Las Carolinas

Year Accredited
Nelson E. Martelo
Sustainable land mgmt. & restoration in the tropics, grazing mgmt., silvopasture, beekeeping, agritourism, EOV
Region Covered


Las Carolinas is a family business with operations on Colombia’s Caribbean coast, specifically in the Department of Sucre. With more than 100 years managing Brahman cattle in our different farms, we have gained extensive experience working with cattle in the tropics.


A few years ago, after realizing the health of our soils and the threat of desertification, our course shifted towards Holistic Management and regenerative agriculture. This new journey hasn’t been easy, or without setbacks, but we continue forward on this path, getting motivation from the transformation of our pastures.


At Las Carolinas, we are a team of 15+ individuals passionate about moving towards a viable, financially, socially, and environmentally agricultural industry in the tropics. Our farms are open to anyone who wants to see and learn about Holistic Management and our transformation.



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