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Savory accreditation

Find Your Role in the Network

Start your career in
regenerative agriculture.

Accreditation with the Savory Institute offers multiple paths for someone looking to make meaningful and lasting impact. Explore the options below to find the path that is right for you. Not sure where to begin? Attend a monthly meet-up.

Are you an entrepreneur that wants to mobilize your community?

Savory Hubs are local learning centers that your local farming or ranching community can rely on for support, whether it be for Holistic Management courses, EOV monitoring, or other land-based services.

Start a Savory Hub

Regenerate Your Region

Through an 18-month onboarding process of intensive training and mentorship, Savory Hub leaders become best-in-class community organizers. With access to Savory’s curriculum and programs, they are then able to create the conditions for change in their local farming community.

Are you someone that wants to teach Holistic Management?

Accredited Educators are the trainers and educators of Holistic Management, helping producers see the patterns and processes of living systems, and equipping them with the planning procedures necessary for regenerative outcomes.

Become an Educator

Teach Holistic Management

Accreditation through the Savory Institute equips you with the knowledge, skills, curriculum, materials, support, and guidance that’s necessary to turn passion into a career as a Holistic Management trainer.

Are you a land manager that wants to take your operation to the next level?

Holistic Management is a proven framework for regenerating land while balancing the ecological, financial, and social needs of your operation.

Learn Holistic Management

Regenerate your land & livelihood

A profitable, thriving, and resilient grass-based operation isn’t just possible, with Holistic Management’s time-tested principles and planning procedures you’ll know how to manage your resources to create the life you want and deserve.

Are you a producer looking for land monitoring and/or market differentiation?

Ecological Outcome Verification is a peer-reviewed land monitoring protocol that lets you know if your actions are regenerating or degrading the health of your landbase.

Get Started with EOV

Monitor Your Land Health

Get EOV set up on your landbase by contacting your local Savory Hub who can help you set up your monitoring plan. Want to become an EOV Monitor yourself? Find an upcoming EOV Monitor training.

Are you looking to support the mission through a one-time or recurring donation?

Regenerating Members are vital to Savory’s work. As a member, your support helps grow the network, keep curriculum up-to-date, and develop new programs that ease the transition from conventional to regenerative agriculture.

Join as a Member

Regenerating Membership

As a platinum-rated 501(c)(3) organization, your support creates real-world impact. Become a Regenerating Member with a monthly gift and earn members-only perks, or make a one-time gift.

Not sure where to begin?

Savory’s monthly meet-up is a place for you to ask questions about the various programs and accreditation options. Let us help you find your path.

Give the gift of a regenerative future.
On average, a $30 donation helps to influence 100 acres.

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